In the heart of Munich, Riem Arcaden, managed by Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, has become a magical place where traditional holidays take on a modern dimension thanks to Multidekor. The color scheme of the decorations introduces visitors to an exceptional holiday atmosphere from the very entrance, where an elegantly lit facade with a Christmas tree greets each newcomer.
Inside, a tall conical Christmas tree surrounded by charming photo spots with holiday motifs creates an unparalleled point for family photos. Looking up, one can admire decorations with the motif of golden stars floating in the air, bringing modern design and glow to every corner of the mall.
Riem Arcaden, the largest shopping mall in Munich, becomes not only a shopping destination but a space where everyone can feel the magic of the holidays thanks to Multidekor. A sleigh with a reindeer, encouraging joint photography, completes this holiday scene, making visitors eagerly return to these unique memories.